Green Block
Carolina Prestress Corp. is proud to be one of the industry leaders in the pursuit of green/recycled products. Through a partnership with the SC public utility of Santee Cooper Electric, we collect, size, screen, and clean lightweight waste product (bottom ash) for recycling into our green block units. Our lightweight aggregate is 100% recycled waste and through new technology used in the recovery process is almost completely pyrite free.
We also collect used concrete construction and demolition waste, crush it to our specifications, remove all metal and trash and recycle the product back into our lightweight green block or sell the unusable sizes as crusher run mix. We also operate our own pallet yard whereby we build, repair, and recycle used pallets back into our delivery system. All of the recycling steps we employ help reduce our carbon foot print and produce an environmentally friendly product.
Green Block are used to build a more energy efficient building, otherwise known as a green building, which has numerous advantages over building with non-green block. Since green block are able to hold the heat and cold quite easily, they do not require the green building to expend as much energy trying to make the unit comfortable. In addition to saving energy and money to heat and cool your green building, the lightweight aggregate that is used to create the green block is put to work where otherwise it would take up scarce landfill space. Green buildings not only save you money, but they are also great for the environment. It all starts with a green block.
The green block has allowed Carolina Prestress Corp. to be a part of the Spirit Program, which is the recycling program utilized by the Department of Defense for United States military installations. Carolina Prestress Corp. is very proud to take part in this program through our lightweight recycled green block.
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